Panorama Singapore

The panorama is the product of the perfect optical illusion, it gives the chance to take vision of an ensemble otherwise impossible to embrace with the eye. And yet this vision embracing and glorifying, made of the sum of all the possible images, does not reveal the detail.

Nature and nature ordained in landscape chase each other in a conundrum of mirrors where often images present in the realm of the real become the true protagonists of a journey, recounting a place and the habits of those crossing it.

Recounting the tropical heat, the humidity, the intrinsic isolation of any Island of the world, the spectre of an unnatural climate, the proposal of a social system and the discard, the lapses in its constant reprocessing is what I show in my work.

Singapore is a state, a city, the result of a political and social project in which nothing happens by chance. Skyscrapers and gardens are being built, and just the same is being done with people’s identity and social conscience. The country in the world with the highest number of rich people pro capite, where you can travel 10 km fastest without driving your own car, asks its citizens to adhere to its project of growth, controlling each step in their existence, from birth to retirement.

Through time Singapore has invested massively first on finance, then on research. It has now shifted to the aim of defining the state of the art. Singapore is looking for a soul, not just for itself, but for the whole world. Its aim seems to be to earn a special place in the world by setting the rules and the overarching framework. Great semantic laboratory of global definitions on issues such as global warming, smart cities and so on, the city state offers visible answers, translates concepts in to visions, panoramas to guide trajectories and define horizons. 

VII Tashkent International Photobiennale 2014

Exhibition @ Tashkent House of Photography, Uzbekistan

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